Tiny Tina

by carolynholm

Molly & Tina

Dear Alpha Mom,

Tiny Tina wants to know when she’s going to class. What class is that?

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

Tina models for my after-school art class. I let the kids draw an actual live model. Who just happens to be a bantam hen.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

I modeled once.

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

You did.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom

Why is Tina the model now instead of me?

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

Because you wouldn’t sit still. And you wouldn’t let the kids pet you.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

I don’t like kids.

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

I know that. You weren’t a very good model.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

I’m a Terrier. I am competent. At everything.

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

Normally I’d agree with you. Terriers are exceptional. But I don’t think modeling for children was the right fit for you. So that’s why Tiny Tina is the model now.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

Tina lets the kids pet her?

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

She does. She’s very polite. I don’t have to worry that she’s going to do something unseemly.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom

Like poop?

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

She doesn’t do that. She knows it isn’t appropriate. But I was thinking more along the lines of growling. Or god forbid, nipping.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

Did I growl and nip?!

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

No, you didn’t. But I could tell you were thinking about it.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

How could you know?

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

I know everything.

Love, Carolyn



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