Carolyn Holm

One Dog, Two Cats
Grand Ideas
InterSpecies Memos

Month: July, 2019


Cher Madame,There is a cat café in Berkeley. I don’t understand why a cat would want to go to a café.Regards, M. Le Poufin  Dear Puffin,That’s a kind of café where people can have coffee and pet cats.Love, Carolyn Cher Madame,That sounds like a terrible idea. This café is evidently French, but they spelled “cat” […]

Bad-Ass Dog Pack

Dear Poppy,When my daughter came for a visit with her dog Mika, we were having such a lovely time, until we all went out for a walk. What the heck was that all about?Love, Carolyn Dear Alpha Mommy,That walk was EPIC!!!!!!XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,And by epic, you mean insane and obnoxious? Because it was a horrible […]


Dear Mommy,I can speak in tongues.Love, Mia Dear Mia,I don’t think you know what that means.Love, Carolyn Dear Mommy,It means I speak many languages.Love Mia Dear Mia,Well, no it doesn’t. And I don’t think you do.Love, Carolyn Dear Mommy,I speak Feline and English, for starters.Love, Mia Dear Mia,That is pretty much the default around here.Love, […]

The MouseNip

Cher Madame,This prey is confusing.Regards, M. Le Poufin Dear Puffin,It’s a mouse, sweetie.Love, Carolyn Cher Madame,This prey is not a mouse. She is vaguely of the mouse appearance. But mouse she is not.Regards, M. Le Poufin Dear Puffin,It’s a catnip mouse.Love, Carolyn Cher Madame,Catnip is a different classification. From le mouse classification.Regards, M. Le Poufin […]