Carolyn Holm

One Dog, Two Cats
Grand Ideas
InterSpecies Memos

Month: May, 2014

Fat Boy

Bonjour Madame, Je voudrais complain about the Spotted One who insists upon sleeping on the bed. Near me.  I do not care to share the bed with her. Not only is she a moron, she is insane. Regards, M. Le Poufin   Dear Puffin, You and Mia need to work this out yourselves. Yes, she […]


Dear Alpha Mom, Why are there chicks living inside our house? Your Best Dog, Molly   Dearest Molly, They’re babies. They have to be indoors for six weeks. When they are old enough they will join the flock in the coop. Love, Carolyn   Dear Alpha Mom, I never knew that babies could be so […]

Mani Pedi

Dear Mommy, I can’t believe you cut my nails again. This is not okay. No one is allowed to touch my feet. Love, Mia   Dear Mia, Believe me, I’d rather not. Love, Carolyn   Dear Mommy, It’s a very stressful experience. Love, Mia   Dear Mia, It’s no picnic on this end either. But […]

Bad Ass

Bonjour Madame, Mia tells me I should listen to some singer named Yelle.   Mais alors, I don’t care to. Regards, M. Le Poufin   Dear Puffin, Why not, Puff? You’d probably like her because she’s French. Sincerely, Carolyn   Cher Madame, She is une pop singer. I don’t listen to pop music. Regards, M. Le Poufin […]

Rat Dog

  Dear Alpha Mom, You are quiet today. Is everything okay? Your Best Dog, Molly   Dearest Molly, I’m fine, sweetie. Thanks for asking. Love, Carolyn   Dear Alpha Mom, You probably want a cuddle right now. I’m sorry, I don’t cuddle. Your Best Dog, Molly   Dearest Molly, I know you don’t.  I have […]