Carolyn Holm

One Dog, Two Cats
Grand Ideas
InterSpecies Memos

Category: Winston

Almost Olympics

Hey Mom,Puffin says he does the sports. Winston Dear Winston,He does! He’s quite the athlete when he chases that prey on the end of my wand.Love, Carolyn Hey Mom,He insists I don’t know how to do his sport correctly. He says there are fine points in the game that I get completely wrong. He calls me […]

Cool Dude

Hey Mom,Puffin was making a funny meow because Louie was looking in the patio window!!!!!Winston Dear Winston,I heard that too! It sounded odd, so I came into the living room and there they were – Puffin and Louie, eyeball to eyeball through the patio window!Love, Carolyn Mom!!!It was so EXCITING!!!!!!! Louie is the coolest cat […]

Site Specific

Hey Mom,I totally don’t understand Puffin’s game. Winston Dear Winston,That’s ok honey, it’s very different from your kind of play. You don’t even understand how to play with the feather wand.Love, Carolyn Mom,His game has so many rules!Winston Dear Winston,He does have a few.Love, Carolyn Mom,He loves rules!Winston Dear Winston,He likes structure in his life.Love, Carolyn […]

Trail Cam

Mom,You called me Muffin!!! That’s a thing people eat!Winston Dear Winston,Calm down, I’m not going to eat you. Love, Carolyn Mom,Why do you call me that???Winston Dear Winston,It’s a loving name. Sometimes I call Puffin “Puffin Muffin”. He won’t admit it, but he really likes that.Love, Carolyn Hey Mom,It’s loving to call someone food?Winston Dear Winston,Sometimes […]


Mom!Why are you doing this to me?????!!!!!Winston Dear Winston,Someday you will appreciate this nice little jacket! Try standing up. You don’t have to crawl when you wear it. And you can walk forward. No need to crawl backwards.Love, Carolyn Mom,Why why why why why!!!!!!!Winston Dear Winston,You’ll get used to it! When you do, we can […]

The Crow

Mom!WHAT WAS THAT??????!!!!!!!Winston Dear Winston,Maybe you could give me some context.Love, Carolyn MomContext?????????????????Winston Dear Winston,What did it look like? Love, Carolyn Mom,It was HUGE!!!Winston Dear Winston,That’s a start. Where did you see it?Love, Carolyn Mom,It was sitting right on our patio wall!!!!!Winston Dear Winston,Was it another cat?Love, Carolyn MomNo!!! It was a bird!!! It was HUGE!!!!! […]


Dear Winston,The sofa pillows were apparently having a good time last night.Love, Carolyn Hey Mom!They were???? That’s so cool! How do you know?Winston Dear Winston,The cushions were all over the floor.Love, Carolyn Mom,They were having fun???? I didn’t know they even liked it!!!!!Winston Dear Winston,I think you were the one having fun.Love, Carolyn Mom,I was! It was […]

Screen Time

Hey Mom,I love the cats that live in your laptop!Winston Dear Winston,They are fun to watch, aren’t they! Love, Carolyn Mom! Zoomies! So many cats doing zoomies!Winston Dear Winston,The Bordernerd kitten posts are adorable, and she has a Border Collie who is like a nanny to those kittens.Love, Carolyn Hey Mom,That lady has so many kittens!!!!!!! Running all over the place!!!! Winston […]

The Poodle Song

Hey Mom,We love it when you sing to us!!!!!Winston Dear Winston,I know you do! Poppy smiles and you two cats sit right up to listen. And you like it when I hold you on my shoulder and dance a bit while I sing.Love, Carolyn Hey Mom,One of the songs is all about me. The Hey […]

Cat Therapy

Hey Mom,Puffin says I have a job to do. For you and Dad. Winston Dear Winston, A job? Do you remember what this job entailed? Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,No tail involved at all. Something about lap time. And it involves peeing. But I told him that you were very particular about where we pee. Definitely not on […]