Carolyn Holm

One Dog, Two Cats
Grand Ideas
InterSpecies Memos

Month: October, 2016

Pumpkin Spice

Dear Mommy, What is this thing? Love, Mia   Dear Mia, That’s a witch hat. Part of a costume for Halloween. Love, Carolyn   Dear Mommy I totally don’t understand Halloween. Love, Mia   Dear Mia, That’s understandable. You’re not alone. Most animals are puzzled by it. In fact, not all humans get it. I’m […]


Dear Puffin, The vet has reminded me that we need to be vigilant about your diet. Désolé. I know this subject distresses you. Love, Carolyn   Cher Madame, Comment? The kind woman avec le blond hair? Dit-elle cela? She said cette nonsense? Regards, M. Le Poufin   Dear Puffin, Sadly it’s not nonsense. You are still […]

Feline Ambition

Dear Mommy, I wish someone could explain cats to me. They make no sense at all. XOXO, Poppy   Dear Poppy, What’s bothering you in particular? Love, Carolyn   Dear Mommy, I think Mia is crazy. XOXO, Poppy   Dear Poppy, Sometimes she is indeed. Love, Carolyn   Dear Mommy, Mia says she wants to […]

The Scratching Post

Dear Mommy, I just found out about a new kind of TV program. From Norway. It’s called Slow Television. The Norwegians call it Sakte-TV. Love, Mia   Dear Mia, This is the one where they just showed a train moving through the countryside in real time? For seven hours? Love, Carolyn   Dear Mommy, It […]