The Oing

by carolynholm

The Oing


La Blonde is still threatening us.


M.Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

Her name is Poppy. And I think of her as more of a redhead.

Love, Carolyn



Mia and I prefer to call her La Blonde. We are referring to her intellect.


M.Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

There is nothing wrong with her intellect. And by the way, no one makes blonde jokes any more. You two need to stop the name-calling. You’re not helping the situation.

Love, Carolyn



It is necessary for moi to point out to Madame that she is le plus guilty one for name-calling. One of your names for that moronic dog is Cupcake.  Mon Dieu.  Cupcake.  And you call all of us, collectively, your Poodles.  Poodles, Madame.  Everyone knows that is extremely offensive.  And poor Molly, you call her Muttlet. How do you explain all this name-calling?


M.Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

Sweetie, these names are all used with affection.

Love, Carolyn



Mia has a name for you. Sometimes behind your back she calls you Felicia.


M.Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

Ha!  I thought I overheard her say “Bye Felicia.”  But I just ignore that sort of thing.

Love, Carolyn



I have not even mentioned le plus terrible name of all. You call me le Oing.


M.Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

Le Oing? That doesn’t even make sense. I don’t think I’ve said that.

Love, Carolyn



You most certainment did. Just this morning vous said “Puffin you are an Oing.”


M.Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

An Oing? That’s hilarious. Puff Honey you can most definitely be annoying. But good for a laugh.

Love, Carolyn