Light Effects Redux

by carolynholm

InterSpecies Memos has been running weekly for two years now! To celebrate this anniversary, Mia wants to share one of her favorite posts from the past, back when Molly was still with us and Poppy had not yet arrived:



Memo to: Molly, Puffin and Mia

From: Carolyn

Ok which of you clowns knocked over the lamp?


Cher Madame,

The lamp she came to life and flew off le table. I was horrified and left the room avec toute vitesse. J’espère you will find le perpetrator.


M. Le Poufin


Dear Alpha Mom,

The cats were racing around the room again. I knew something bad would happen.

Your Best Dog,



Dear Mommy,

I’m not sure which lamp you are referring to.

Love, Mia


To: Mia

The lamp I’m pretty sure you knocked off the table.



Dear Mommy,

Oh that lamp. I am not yet finished with it. It is part of an art installation.

Love, Mia


Dear Mia,

What kind of art installation are you doing with a lamp?

Love, Carolyn


Dear Mommy,

I am working with light. I am thinking I’ll set it up in the corner of a dark room, and people will come in and gasp with wonder. I am heavily influenced by James Turrell.

Love, Mia


Dear Mia,

Have you been getting into my art books again?

Love, Carolyn


Dear Mommy,

Possibly. Will I get in trouble for that?

Love, Mia


Dear Mia,

Possibly. I think we should encourage you to go back to dancing.

Love, Carolyn


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