by carolynholm
Cher Madame,
Mia she has been saying bad things to moi.
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
That’s probably because you bully her. What has she been saying?
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
Moi, un sweet petit chat, she calls a Douche Weasel.
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
Okay, that’s funny but it’s not a very nice thing to say. Perhaps you could try to get along with her? Then she wouldn’t call you names.
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
Tout le monde calls names. Everyone dans our house calls names. Monsieur himself calls this pauvre cat a name.
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
Monsieur does? Okay, I’ll bite. What does Monsieur call you?
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
Oh, that. Yes he does. It means cat in Arabic. Monsieur and I think the word is a funny one.
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
You both think a funny-sounding word is appropriate pour moi?
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
Oh relax. Where is your sense of humor? It’s just a funny name.
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
No one else in the house has a funny name.
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
That’s not true. Mia calls Poppy “Bubblebutt”.
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
Is it le policy of le house to allow Mia to denigrate the rest of us?
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
Okay I’ll tell her to stop. We’ll see how that goes.
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
We all know that la crazy Mia she will never listen. She does whatever she wants.
M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
Love, Carolyn
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