Be Mine

by carolynholm

Dear Alpha Mommy,

Mia says this box is full of treats!

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

It is, honey, but I’m sorry, it’s not for you.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

It’s for Mia?




Dear Poppy,

No, not for either of you. It’s chocolate, and that would make you both very sick. It’s for Alpha Dad.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

You are giving him something to make him sick??????????

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

Of course not. It doesn’t make humans sick. For us it’s a special treat.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

I didn’t know you gave Alpha Dad special treats!!

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

Of course I do. Especially at Valentines. That’s a time to show people that they are special.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

What are you going to give Mia? Temptations?

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

Good call! And I’ll have to think of something for Puffin.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

Small birds.

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

No honey. I’ll give him extra kibble. That’s what he wants more than anything in the world.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

What are you going to give the chickens?

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

That’s easy. Crickets. And if I can’t find crickets I’ll give them freeze-dried mealworms. The poultry pinnacle of gourmet dining.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

But what about me?

XOXO Poppy


Dearest Poppy,

You are such a good dog that I’ll give you a hug, and a spoon full of peanut butter!

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

Another pinnacle!

XOXO Poppy


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