Je Suis Français
by carolynholm
Memo to: Madame
From: M. Le Poufin
You’ll notice I’ve changed my name. I have discovered I am French. Je suis Français. So please start calling me Monsieur Le Poufin. And greet me in the morning with a polite “Bonjour Monsieur!” And then feed me at once. Avec toute vitesse.
M. Le Poufin
To Puffin
From Carolyn
You are not French, Sweetie. You were picked up on the streets of South Central Los Angeles. When you wake me at 5:30am I will continue to greet you with an angry snort, and I will feed you when I choose to rise for the day. I might make a concession to your delusion by shouting “Merde!” when you wake me.