The Summer Solstice

by carolynholm

Dear Mommy,
Happy Summer Solstice!
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
Thank you! But how do you even know about that?
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
I listen to the radio. To NPR. Just like you do. And I’m so excited!
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
Excited about the Solstice? Or the radio?
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
About the presents!
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
What presents?
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
The Summer Solstice Celebration presents!
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
I don’t think that’s a thing, sweetie.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
Yes it is! The Summer Solstice is HUGE!!!!!
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
Well, okay, cosmically speaking it certainly is important.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
On the radio they said it’s the longest day of the year!!!!! 
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
It is indeed.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
They said it’s the first day of summer.
Love Mia

Dear Mia,
Okay I have a problem with that. Everyone calls it that, even NPR, but it’s actually the midpoint of summer. That’s why for thousands of years, when people have celebrated on the night before the Summer Solstice, they have called it Midsummer’s Eve. Midsummer. Not Beginning of Summer’s Eve.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
No one cares about that. You say that every year and everyone rolls their eyes at you. We just want the presents!
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
There are no presents, honey.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
There are for the Winter Solstice.
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
That’s Winter. This is Summer. We could make a bonfire though, and everyone could jump over it. That’s an ancient Summer Solstice tradition.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
I’m going to go see if Dad has any presents for me.
Love, Mia

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