
by carolynholm

Dear Alpha Mommy,

I don’t understand why you play with the Screaming Monster.

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

It’s just a vacuum cleaner sweetie. It’s not going to hurt you.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

Are you kidding me????!!!!! It screams like a creature!! But it doesn’t smell like a creature. I think maybe it’s a robot.  A really scary robot!

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

I’m impressed! That’s very well reasoned out. But seriously, it won’t hurt you. It’s just noisy.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

You dance with it. Which is totally horrifying to watch. And then it comes at me.

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

Well not at you. I’m just cleaning the room and you happen to be there. I’m sorry it scares you. But honey, this is nothing. For really scary you have to watch the news. Our Screaming Monster is nothing in the big scheme of things. It’s just noise. And I’m always confident you will move out of its way.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

I run to another room. Just in time. I just don’t understand why you allow the Screaming Monster in the house at all.

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

One big reason is there is dog hair everywhere. How do you suppose that happens?

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

It’s my fault???!!!!! I can’t help it!!!

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

Don’t worry about it sweetie. The Screaming Monster is here to stay, but I won’t let it hurt you.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

I think I’ll just go have a lie down and chew on my Nylabone.

XOXO Poppy



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