The Patriot

by carolynholm


Cher Madame,

Je suis pleased to see that les Américains appreciate La France.


M. Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

I’m glad you are pleased. Appreciate France in which way?

Love, Carolyn


Cher Madame,

Ah, Américains. Sometimes so ignorant. I will explain to Madame. Tout le monde est ready to celebrate un grand holiday Français.


M. Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

Which holiday would that be?

Love, Carolyn


Cher Madame,

Tout le monde is ready to celebrate la fête nationale.

M. Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

Well yes, we are, but sweetie, the national holiday is American, not French.

Love, Carolyn


Cher Madame,

No no no. C’est la fête du 14-juillet. What les Américains call Bastille Day. Et tout le monde celebrates la fête du 14-juillet avec le red, white et blue!!!! Bleu-blanc-rouge!!! Liberté, fraternité, égalité!!! We sing La Marseillaise!!!!!!!


M. Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

I love seeing you get all worked up like this, but I have to break it to you. All the red white and blue excitement around here is pretty much American.

Love, Carolyn


Cher Madame,

As usual Madame is misinformed. C’est les colours de la flag Francais.


M. Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

Granted, both countries share the same patriotic colors. But Puff, honey, that ribbon you’ve got there is in celebration of our Independence Day. Also known as The Fourth of July.

Love, Carolyn


Cher Madame,

Ce qui se passé? Is this the holiday when tout le monde goes beserk avec les grandes bangs?


M. Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

Yes, I’m so sorry, it is the holiday with the fireworks. Humans do go crazy for that sort of thing.

Love, Carolyn


Cher Madame,

Sans blague, humans are insane with love of violence. Violent explosions. Violent noise. Toujours fou.


M. Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

We’ll make the best of it.

Love, Carolyn


Cher Madame,

Peut-être Madame can provide les specials treats to help us make le best of it? Your cher chats et chiens, your sweet pets, all need to be fortified for les grandes noises. Fortified avec les treats. Because noise is so alarming.


M. Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

Well, ok, I’ll give you each a treat on the night of the fireworks.

Love, Carolyn


Cher Madame,

Encore mieux, les treats for several nights after les grandes explosions? Because Le Grand Noise will be très upsetting. We will feel this upsettedness for days. Weeks even.


M. Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

Oh please. Don’t think we are going to completely circumvent your diet. It will be just one treat. On the night of the fireworks.   I know the noise is alarming. But you are quite safe in our house.

Love, Carolyn


Cher Madame,

Les Français sont much more sensible. On la fête du 14-juillet, tout le monde celebrates avec food and wine and dancing. Madame could serve crêpes!


M. Le Poufin


Dear Puffin,

Hang on to that red white and blue ribbon and on July 14 we’ll say it’s for the French flag, and we’ll all celebrate your fête nationale with you. Personally I’m looking forward to seeing you actually dance. But no crêpes, sweetie. I’ll give you an extra kibble that day to help celebrate.

Love, Carolyn


Cher Madame,

Stingy, comme usual.


M. Le Poufin


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