Personal Grooming

by carolynholm

Personal Grooming

Dear Alpha Mommy,

Mia says I am glamorous. Is that a good thing?




Dear Poppy,

That is indeed. What a nice thing for Mia to say. She’s a very sweet cat.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

She is much sweeter than Puffin.




Dear Poppy,

We have to be patient with Puffin. At heart he’s a sweet cat. Remember, he used to be afraid of you. Now he’s wary but mean to you. He just needs to get to know you better and he’ll eventually mellow out.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

Mia says she loved Molly, but that Molly wasn’t very glamorous.




Dear Poppy,

Glamour wasn’t Molly’s strong suit. We’ll remember her for a lot of other wonderful things, but not for being lovely. Terriers aren’t known for their beauty. They tend to be on the cute side of things. Molly did win “Cutest Dog” at a Humane Society fundraiser.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

Mia says one of your friends once said “For Molly, every day is a bad hair day.”




Dear Poppy,

That’s funny. Not very nice, but funny. And true. She usually looked pretty scruffy. And she was psychotic about having her feet touched, so her nails were usually too long.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

And you said her breath smelled like something died in her mouth.




Dear Poppy,

I guess I did say that. It wasn’t her fault. She was too old and fragile to get her teeth cleaned. Teeth are important. That’s why we are keeping your choppers bright white!

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

I don’t like it when you brush my teeth or cut my nails. And I really don’t like a bath. The hair dryer is annoying too.




Dear Poppy,

I know, honey. I appreciate that you let me do all those things, to keep you healthy and looking glamorous!

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

Mia says she brushes her own teeth.




Dear Poppy,

She does. She chews on towels, and that cleans her teeth. My towels look ragged, but the vet says she has never seen such healthy teeth on a cat Mia’s age.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

I clean myself too.




Dear Poppy,

You do! You stop and sit down right in the middle of our walks to pull stickers out of your feet. And when you come in from our garden with redwood litter stuck to your skirts, you pull them all out.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

Mia gets treats when you cut her nails. I want treats too!




Dear Poppy,

Fair enough. You drive a hard bargain.

Love, Carolyn



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