
by carolynholm

Dear Winston,
How’s it going with Puffin?
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
It’s going GREAT!!!!!!!

Dear Winston,
Great? Does he think so? The two of you are getting along ok?
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
We are! We play Gotcha! And Whack and Run! And Me Chase You Chase! It’s so much fun. Especially Me Chase You Chase!!!!!

Dear Winston,
Is that when you chase him out of the room and then he chases you back in, and then you chase him out, and he chases you back in, and on and on like that?
Love, Carolyn

Yes!!!!!! It’s SO MUCH FUN!!!!!! 

Dear Winston,
That’s a lot of exclamation points. Does Puffin like it too?
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
Of course he does!!!!!!! And sometimes Poppy plays it with us. You REALLY should try it too.

Dear Winston,
I’m glad you and Puffin have such good games. What is Whack and Run?
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
It’s when I punch Puffin, POW POW POW!!!!! and then dive under the sofa cushions.

Dear Winston,
That explains how the cushions end up on the floor. What exactly is Gotcha?
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
That’s when Puffin comes up to me, looms over me, and then his paw comes out lightning fast with a punch. And then I run like crazy. That gets Poppy all excited, so she runs after me barking. We all get crazy!!!!!!!

Dear Winston,
Crazy is clearly the operative word here.
Love, Carolyn

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