The Boss

by carolynholm

Hey Mom,
Puffin thinks he’s the Big Boss Guy, but I’m taller!

Dear Winston,
You are indeed, but he’s got you beat on girth.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
Still, he can’t always boss me around. I like to whack at his feet when he jumps past me onto the sofa. That gets him all bothered.

Dear Winston,
I notice you play with his tail when he’s eating breakfast.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
I do!!!! He hates that.

Dear Winston,
He’s not in a good mood when he’s hungry. That’s when he really gets irritated with you.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
I love it when he gets all irritated with me!!!!! The best thing is when I sneak up on him, while he’s sitting there looking dignified, and then whap him and run away like crazy, really fast!!!!!

Dear Winston,
You’re incorrigible. But sometimes he plays with you.
Love, Carolyn 

Hey Mom,
He does! We whack each other and run down the hall!!!!!

Dear Winston,
See, he doesn’t always act like the big Boss Cat.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
Soon I’m going to be much bigger than he is!!!!!

Dear Winston
Well, maybe not. The vet said that you are looking extremely well fed, and that we should keep you on a diet or you’ll be overweight. You look pretty sleek to me, but we’re doing what she says. Measuring out the portions. And no more extra treats.
Love, Carolyn

Puffin will always be bigger?????? 

Dear Winston,
Yes, but just in girth.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
Ok, I’ll just have to be even sneakier.

Dear Winston,
I think you do a good job of holding your own.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
But I stay out of his way when it’s evening game time.

Dear Winston,
That’s wise. Evening game time is a big deal for him. He doesn’t want you butting in.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
I just watch from the back of the sofa.

Dear Winston,
That’s probably the best plan.
Love, Carolyn

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