
by carolynholm

Hey Mom,
Puffin makes such a big deal about his game!

Dear Winston,
He certainly does. He takes it very seriously.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
I don’t play his game!

Dear Winston,
No, I notice you hang back and watch. You play the spectator.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
He doesn’t want anyone to horn in. 

Dear Winston,
No, he’d probably leave in a huff if I invited you. But you have your own games.
Love, Carolyn

I do????

Dear Winston,
Of course. You have the Paw Whap game.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
I love the Paw Whap Game!!!!!!!!!! I hide under the sofa cushions and now and then I reach out a paw and you whap it, and I try to whap you back.

Dear Winston,
That’s your kind of game! 
Love, Carolyn

Sometimes I nail you.

Dear Winston,
Literally. You have very sharp nails, sweetie, and there is usually blood involved at that point. It’s a very basic game. No need for strategy and skill. That’s for Puffin.
Love, Carolyn 

Yeah!!! I like games where I whack someone, and then run like crazy.

Dear Winston,
That is indeed your style.
Love, Carolyn 

Hey Mom,
Then there’s the Gonzo Shark Game!!!!! I crawl under the bedcovers and lie in wait until Puffin shows up. He curls up on your bed, all unsuspecting, and goes to sleep. Then I creep around under the blanket, and I go right up to him and startle him awake! He’s all “What is this moving blanket shape? Mon Dieu! It’s the Gonzo Shark!!!” And he doesn’t know it’s me!

Dear Winston,
He probably does know. He just thinks you’re nuts.
Love, Carolyn

I am!!!!!!!

Dear Winston,
One of these days you are going to start acting like an adult cat, and I’ll miss all this. I wonder when that will be? You just turned three years old, and fortunately, no sign of adulthood yet. 
Love, Carolyn 

A note to our readers…

Winston, Puffin, and Poppy are looking forward to sharing their weekly correspondence with you! Each week one of them is featured here, and yes, you can get the week’s post conveniently in your email every Friday by subscribing in the subscriber box at the top of this page. (If you are reading this in an email, go to blog.carolynholm.com to subscribe.) If you have already subscribed, multiple paws are raised to salute you!