by carolynholm
Dear Mommy,
There’s been a lot of talk about equality.
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
Yes, there has. I’m so glad you are interested! Last Sunday was International Women’s Day.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
What exactly are they talking about?
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
As it happens there are a number of equality issues. Equal pay, equal employment opportunity, equal family care.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
Equal pay is what Hillary talks about? And Patricia Arquette on the Academy Awards?
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
Yes, it certainly is!
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
This isn’t the case?
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
No, men get paid more.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
And what about cats?
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
Cats don’t work, honey.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
But cats should be equal.
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
Cats are very equal.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
I thought so. They are certainly more equal than dogs.
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
Do you know what equal pay means?
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
You don’t, do you?
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
I suspect you’re going to explain it to me.
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
Let’s imagine I bring home two new kittens, and one is a male cat and one is a female cat.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
I seriously hope this is not going to happen.
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
Relax. This is a hypothetical example. So let’s say when I get them home I feed these two kittens a measured amount every day, but I feed the male kitten a little more than the female kitten.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
That’s not fair!
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
I know! But hang on, there’s more. They grow up and every year I give both cats a raise – they get a larger amount of food in their bowls each year. But the raise I give the male cat is a little bigger than the raise I give the female cat. At the end of five years there is an enormous disparity between their dinners.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
No wonder Puffin is so fat!
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
No no no! I don’t do this! I was just making up an example of pay inequality.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
Now I’ll never be able to trust you.
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
I don’t do this. This is what humans do to each other.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
It’s amazing that all human males aren’t obese.
Love, Mia
Dearly love your blog. I read it out loud over dinner and laughed out loud. Keep it up. BTW I think our cat, Elfie, must correspond with your cats while we sleep. Elfie has started wanting breakfast at 3:00am.