Dancing Queen
by carolynholm
Dear Mommy,
There’s a song about me!!!!!!!!!
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
About you specifically?
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
Yes, about me! I’m the Dancing Queen!!!!
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
Ahh. Well, that’s probably a good title for you.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
Dancing is my life.
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
Your entire life?
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
Well, that and making art. And making cat videos. I’m a performance artist. But I also love science. And I like teasing Poppy. And ordering things with your Amazon 1-Click.
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
OMG you haven’t done that again, have you? You know you are no longer allowed to go near my laptop. Do I need to get a restraining order for that?
Dear Mommy,
No no no! I haven’t ordered anything. I just like thinking about how exciting it was when I did. But dancing is still my Main Thing. To everything else I do, I add a dance component. It is my Essence.
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
I wish your essence could be better contained. Your essence knocked all my jewelry off the top of my dresser. Scattered everything everywhere. It took me a week to find my pearl earrings.
Dear Mommy,
But you found them!!!!!
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
Fair enough. But maybe you could please stick to dancing on the floor, like everyone else.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
You are very conventional. Not to mention repressive.
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
I give up. You’ll do what you want anyway. Dance on.
Love, Carolyn
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