by carolynholm
Dear Mommy,
Who is this Hello Kitty??????!!!!!
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
She’s from Japan.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
I want to meet her!!!!!!
Love Mia
Dear Mia,
Sorry Sweetie, that’s not possible, she’s not real.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
Yes she is! She’s a celebrity, she’s everywhere! I want to be her! She’s written books. I want to write books.
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
I don’t think she’s written any books. It takes a lot of time and hard work to write a book, and I don’t think that’s something a cartoon celebrity can pull off. That’s just a coloring book you’ve got there.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
It’s a book, she’s on the cover. I want to be a famous cat like she is!
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
It would be nice if you were. Hello Kitty licensing must rake in serious money. Imagine if you brought in some income! It would be like winning the lottery.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
Would I have to share it?
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
Don’t you think you should?
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
Not if I’m the one with all the talent.
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
Honey, we’ve been totally supporting you for nine years.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
It’s not very polite to point out that I am middle-aged.
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
I’m sorry Sweetie. Of course you’re not really. At heart you’re an ageless Celebrity Cat. Your picture should be on notebooks and plastic purses everywhere.
Love, Carolyn
good golly, miss molly……….you are a celebrity kitty