Ballet Moves

by carolynholm


Dear Mommy,

You should stop what you’re doing and come watch me!!!!! I’m doing a paws de deux.

Love, Mia


Dear Mia,

Probably not, honey. Do you know what a pas de deux is?

Love, Carolyn


Dear Mommy,

Puffin says it’s French for a dance with two paws.

Love, Mia


Dear Mia,

Well that’s close. It’s a ballet term for a dance with two people.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Mommy,

Or two cats.

Love, Mia


Dear Mia,

I suppose it could be. I’m glad you are expanding your dance vocabulary.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Mommy

I’m doing all kinds of ballet moves. Like paws de chats. That’s a ballet step they named after cats. Because cats do ballet.   Chat means cat.  I’m a chat.  Paws de chat.  Cat paws.

Love, Mia


Dear Mia,

You are indeed. Maybe what you are doing with two paws is a port de bras. That’s another ballet term. It means moving the arms around.  Or in your case, paws.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Mommy,

Port de bra?  Seriously?????  I don’t think so.  Now you are just talking about underwear.  What’s next, port de panties?

Love, Mia