Carolyn Holm

One Dog, Two Cats
Grand Ideas
InterSpecies Memos

Month: October, 2021

The Vegetable

Dear Mom,I don’t like this creature.XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,Winston, or the Jack o’Lantern? Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,Not Winston! But what’s a Jacko thingy? I don’t even know what that is!!!!!!!!!!!XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,It’s a Halloween thing. You’ve seen them before, sweetie. Every year. People carve a pumpkin so that it has a face.Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,That’s […]


Hey MomI’m a football guy now!Winston Dear Winston,Because you found Poppy’s toy football?Love, Carolyn Hey Mom,Because I’ve been watching football with Dad!!!!Winston Dear Winston,You have indeed. Love, Carolyn Hey Mom,I like hanging out with Dad. We sit together and face the same way, towards the TV.Winston Dear Winston,It’s interesting that you watch TV. You seem to […]


Dear Mom,Winston doesn’t know his own name.XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,Of course he does, he just pretends he doesn’t.Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,He doesn’t even look at you when you call him.XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,Sometimes. When he’s in that mood I can call him ’til the cows come home and he won’t acknowledge it.Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,We have cows???????XOXO […]

Dress Code

Cher Madame,Winston is very proud of his cuff. Regards, M. Le Poufin Dear Puffin,He is indeed!Love, Carolyn Cher Madame,It’s annoying. He says it makes him more stylish than the rest of us.Regards, M. Le Poufin Dear Puffin,That’s so cute. All it is, it’s just where they shaved his leg for the IV when he was in […]


Dear Mom,I took care of the crow situation for you. I ordered them to get out of the birdbath.XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,Thank you, sweetie. But they’ll be back.Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,Yesterday you called them a bunch of low-lifes.XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,Because they left greasy rib bones in the birdbath. Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,I’d like some rib […]