Urban Girl

by carolynholm

Urban Girl


That was the worst walk ever.



Dear Poppy,

I’m so sorry you had a bad time. I didn’t realize it was going to be so hot. When we planned the walk we thought there would be a nice ocean breeze up there in the hills.

Love, Carolyn



It wasn’t just the heat. The walk was too long. It seemed to go on forever.



Dear Poppy,

It did seem to go on forever – that’s because you kept stopping and lying down. Every time we came to a shady spot, you flopped down. No wonder it took so long.

Love, Carolyn



I was trying to signal to you and your friend Jill that it was too hot to be out walking. But you two kept blathering on and on. Completely ignoring my distress. I was trying to say What is WRONG with you women??? This is pure hell!!!



Dear Poppy,

We did not ignore you. We gave you water. We let you stop and rest. And we were very sympathetic about your thick coat.

Love, Carolyn



That didn’t make up for the hellish heat. And that’s not all. There were stickers. I hate stickers.



Dear Poppy,

I know you do. And I’m glad you are so good about pulling them out of your feet. But maybe you’re a little too fastidious. You didn’t need to keep sitting down to pull them out of your tail. I was going to comb that out when we got home.

Love, Carolyn



From now on we need to stick to city streets when we go for a walk. Sidewalks are made for walks.  You can tell because the word “walks” is right there in the word “sidewalks”.



Dear Poppy,

I had really hoped you would like the countryside. Most dogs do! There’s fresh air and wildlife smells. Wide open spaces and cows grazing on a hillside.

Love, Carolyn



Clearly you and this person Jill were all excited to be out in the countryside. You went on and on about it. And you picked up pinecones. Pinecones. Really? I don’t understand the purpose of pinecones. They don’t even feel good in the mouth. The countryside is pretty much just stickers and pinecones. And I smelled a skunk.



Dear Poppy,

The skunk wasn’t a threat to us, honey. You’re really making too much of this experience.

Love, Carolyn



From now on you can count me out for the country hikes. I’d rather stay at home and sit on the deck.



Dear Poppy,

What about going for walks at our family cabin in the mountains?  I thought you loved it up there.

Love, Carolyn



That’s country too?



Dear Poppy,

Of course it is.  Molly loves hiking up there.  Actually Molly likes walks anywhere.  Too bad she’s getting too old for a lot of that now. She loves walking in the countryside.  Even if there are pinecones and skunks.

Love, Carolyn



Molly is welcome to it. What I need now is a good brushing.




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