
by carolynholm

Dear Mia,
You are such a sweet girl! I love our snuggle when I stretch out on the sofa to read.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
I like it too.  And I like the bedtime cuddle.  But last night you were thrashing around.  I wish you would lie quietly.  When you push me off, Puffin comes to steal the good spot.
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
I’m sorry I disrupted your sleep.  But you know, there are two good spots. You each get one.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
But mine is the best one. And Puffin steals it when you thrash around and bump me off.
Love, Mia

Dear Mia
It was cold and I had to move you to wrestle the second blanket on.  If you didn’t jump off the bed in a huff you’d probably get the good spot again as soon as I settled.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
Puffin is too fast. It would be better if you didn’t move at all. You should try to be more like Molly.  She never moved all night.
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
Molly didn’t move because she was tied to the bed.  She lost her privilege of wandering loose around the house at night because late in life she sometimes peed where she shouldn’t.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
But she stayed in her basket all night even when you forgot to attach the leash.
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
You’re right, she did.  Because she was a very good girl.  Well, with the exception of the occasional peeing lapse.  But mostly she was the Best Dog Ever. I miss her!
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
What about Poppy?
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
Oh I’m sure she misses Molly too.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
No! I mean, is she a Best Dog Ever?
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
Oh yes, she inherited the title.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
And I am the Best CAT Ever?
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
Well, no honey, that title doesn’t exist for cats. 
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
But there is a “Best DOG Ever”?????
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
Yes, it’s a Thing.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
That’s outrageous!!!!!!!
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
I’m just messing with you, sweetie. Of course there’s a Best Cat Ever title.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
And that’s me, right?
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
Time will tell.
Love, Carolyn

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