The Tale

by carolynholm

Hey Mom,
I’m an adult now!

Dear Winston,
I don’t think so, sweetie. To be considered adult you need to act like an adult.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
I do! And I’m old enough! I’m two years old. I’m all grown up.

Dear Winston,
Well, you certainly have grown. Who knew that little ball of fluff would grow to be a fourteen-pound thug?
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
I’m a thug????? Sweet!!!!!

Dear Winston,
I was kidding.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,

Dear Winston,
You have grown into a gorgeous cat. I love your glossy coat. And that magnificent long tail. 
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
My tail is longer than Puffin’s!

Dear Winston,
Once at a family dinner party, our previous cat Mia came up to me and I stroked her and ran my hand along her tail, thinking “It would be so cool to have a tail.” And then I realized I’d said that aloud. My guests were folks who didn’t live with other species. No one said a word. Just stared politely at their dinner plates. It was probably one of the most entertaining things I’ve ever said at a dinner party.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
A tail is one of the best parts.

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