The Star

by carolynholm

Dear Poppy,

You are looking very patriotic!

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

Patriotic? I thought this t-shirt says I’m a star.

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

Well, maybe both. You are a star, honey, and you are wearing red, white, and blue.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

I don’t understand patriotic. What does color have to do with it?

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

It’s just symbolism, sweetie. And we’re seeing a lot of these colors right now because the Fourth of July is almost upon us. This is why we’ve been hearing firecrackers from time to time in the neighborhood.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

I thought that was more wildlife. What do firecrackers have to do with it?

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

Not much, except that people love big scary noises.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

So making a lot of noise is patriotic?

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

Some people think so. And some think it’s about waving the flag and singing patriotic songs.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

If that’s patriotism, does that mean the chicken on America’s Got Talent, who played America the Beautiful on a keyboard, is a patriotic hen?

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

She is a talented chicken, isn’t she! But I’m not so sure about patriotic. I guess she is, if you subscribe to that definition of patriotism. But I think patriotism is about what we actually do to keep our nation strong and good. Like looking out for poor people, so that everyone is housed and fed and educated. Tolerating differences and welcoming newcomers. Ensuring that the environment is clean and healthy. And making sure we are agents for peace and contribute to the good of the world.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

That sounds like a speech!

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

Pompous, wasn’t it? All it needed was the swell of an orchestra behind it. Sorry, I got carried away. I’ve been thinking about this stuff lately.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

That’s ok! I love it! It’s what dogs everywhere would sign on for!!!!!! I want to be that kind of patriotic!

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

That makes you a star.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

But our chickens are probably not very patriotic. And I doubt the cats are.

XOXO Poppy


Dear Poppy,

Probably not. But they have other wonderful qualities.

Love, Carolyn



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