The Routine

by carolynholm

Dear Puffin,
Poppy and I are going to the mountain cabin next week.
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
Mon Dieu, what about us?
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
You and Winston will be fine. We’ve done this before. You’ve always been fine. And I just got new catnip loveys for the two of you. I see you’ve already found them!
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
Is Cathie coming to take care of us?
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
No, sweetie, Monsieur will be here. He’ll take care of you boys!
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
Monsieur has no idea what to do. 
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
Yes he does, sweetie.
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
No, he has no idea. Does he know that my dinner is the lovely canned food?
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
Yes, of course he knows what to feed everyone.
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
Monsieur does not know our routine. 
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
Your routine? You basically take naps all day long! What’s to know?
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
And the litter box. Does he comprehend the litter box?
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
Good point, I’ll text him some reminders to clean it out.
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
And the Game. Does he know how to play the Game?
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
Maybe not. But you can forgo your game for a few days.
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
Mon Dieu. The routine, she will be lost.
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
You’re making too much of this, sweetie. You can always tell him what to do. You don‘t hesitate to inform me when I’m only five minutes late with dinner. And remember, Monsieur is very generous with the treats.
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
Ah, oui, c’est vrai. Monsieur he has a deep understanding of the role of treats in a well-run household.
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
So there we are. You’ll have plenty of delicious routine. 
Love, Carolyn


A note to our readers…

Poppy, Winston, and Puffin are looking forward to sharing their weekly correspondence with you! Each week one of them is featured here, all based upon actual conversations. And yes, you can get the week’s post conveniently in your email every Friday by subscribing in the subscriber box at the top of this page. (If you are reading this in an email, go to to subscribe.) If you have already subscribed, multiple paws are raised to salute you!