The Assistant
by carolynholm

Hey Mom,
What are you going to do next? I’m ready to help you!
Dear Winston,
Thank you, sweetie, but I’m good. I’m going to check my email and then have lunch. I think I can manage that.
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
Can we fold some more laundry?
Dear Winston,
We’re done for now. You were definitely a presence for that. I think next time I’ll do the folding while you are in the other room napping.
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
Let’s make the bed again!
Dear Winston,
You do enjoy that, don’t you! But you are such a nuisance. I have to wave one of your plastic strip toys and toss it off the bed to distract you. Thank god for the plastic strips.
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
They are the Best. Toys. Ever.
Dear Winston,
Who would have thought that the strip torn off a plastic bag of dog treats could bring so much joy.
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
Wait, are all these strips from dog treat bags? It’s not fair that Poppy is getting all the treats!!!!!!!!!
Dear Winston,
Some are from dog treats, but the rest are from opening all sorts of packages. Cat treats, frozen potstickers, oatmeal, you name it. That’s why we have so many.
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
I have one in every room!!!!!!!!
Dear Winston,
You do. I’m grateful for that. I had to use one to distract you from helping me tie my shoes this morning.
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
Plus I helped you get dressed!
Dear Winston,
Sweetie, my jeans are not a scratching post.
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
I get carried away sometimes. I love being your assistant!!!!
Dear Winston,
I know you do. I’m counting on your help later when I vacuum the living room.
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
I think that’s when I’ll be taking a nap.
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Love all the Winston stories!!
They are so teenager-ish!!