by carolynholm

Hey Mom,
Poppy says we’re on different teams.
Dear Winston,
She’s referring to the differences between cats and dogs. We had a talk about that recently.
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
Are we?
Dear Winston,
Are you what?
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
On different teams?
Dear Winston,
Sometimes. In this household the team thing is fluid.
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
So which team am I on?
Dear Winston,
Sometimes you and Puffin are the Cat Team and Poppy barks at you both. Other times you and Poppy are the Wrestling Team and Puffin is off on his own. Sometimes you are feeling particularly doggish and you and Poppy are the Dog Team, trotting around the house side by side. And now and then, everyone is just napping in the same room.
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
That last one is the Pack Team!
Dear Winston,
It is indeed.
Love, Carolyn
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