Carolyn Holm

One Dog, Two Cats
Grand Ideas
InterSpecies Memos

Tag: wolfish


Hey Mom,We’re having a Valentine moment!Winston Dear Winston,Yes you are! I love that you all get along so well. You three are so sweet!Love, Carolyn Mom,Mostly.Winston Dear Winston,Well okay, Puffin tells you to get lost when you jump on the bed. Love, Carolyn Hey Mom,He wants you all to himself!!!Winston Dear Winston,He’s an old guy, and […]

Wild Dog

Dear Mom,I’m ready to go up on the Ridge now!!!!!XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,The Ridge is up in the mountains, sweetie.Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,I know!!!!!!!!XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,We can’t go today, we just got back from the cabin yesterday.Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,We can’t go today?XOXO Poppy Dear Poppy,No sweetie. It’s a four-hour drive.Love, Carolyn Dear Mom,I […]