
by carolynholm


Dear Alpha Mom,

I’m seeing a lot of hearts lately. Paper hearts. Heart boxes. Heart chocolates. You’ve been busy making little heart collages. What is the point of all this heart activity?

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

That’s because it’s almost Valentines Day.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

But this is not just about Valentines Day. All year round humans seem obsessed with hearts.

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

I don’t know if obsessed is the right word for it. That seems rather negative.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

There is nothing wrong with obsession. Obsession is a good thing.

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

Says a Terrier, lol. An obsessive/compulsive Terrier at that.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

But this heart stuff is all nonsense.

Your Best Dog,



Dear Molly,

It’s a human thing, honey.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

People write I ♥ you. I heart you?? Seriously?

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly

Hearts are a thing. They are symbols of love.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

Then why not just say love?

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

That’s one way of looking at it. But people like to have all kinds of ways to show their feelings. Humans love symbols.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

Emogis. Now you’re going to talk about emogis.

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

Well okay, sometimes people use emogis to show their feelings.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

Please. That’s not feelings. That’s just gushing. Something a retriever would do.

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

Just because you don’t gush doesn’t mean there’s something wrong in general with showing love.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

I’m too busy to fawn and cuddle and drool all over you.

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

I know that. But still, I do know you love me. Even if you won’t cuddle.

Love Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

I’m glad we have that understanding.

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

Maybe you need an emogi for “too busy to cuddle”.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

Are you baiting me?

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

Sort of. I take it you don’t like emogis.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

They are very strange.

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

You don’t have to use them, sweetie.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

The cats probably use them.

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

No, I don’t think they’ve discovered them yet.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

When Mia finds out about them, she’ll be plastering them everywhere.

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

You’re probably right.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

I don’t like symbols. I prefer things to be straight forward. I worry when things are not straight forward.

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

You worry too much about everything.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mom,

I’m a Terrier. We do the worrying. For everyone.

Your Best Dog,



Dearest Molly,

No one else does it so well.





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