
by carolynholm

MEMO TO: Mia, Puffin and Poppy

FROM: Carolyn

Everyone needs to calm down. Now.


Dear Mommy,

Puffin has been bullying me again!!!!!! He just chased me away from my magazine. He doesn’t appreciate a well-informed cat.

Love, Mia


Cher Madame,

That Mia, she sniffed my ear and then like a crazy cat she attacked me.


M. Le Poufin


Dear Alpha Mommy,

Puffin sits on the stairs blocking the way so I can’t come down to see you!

XOXO Poppy


Cher Madame,

La Poppy she chases moi, a pauvre little cat, out of the kitchen. Which she seems to think is hers.


M. Le Poufin


Dear Alpha Mommy,

Puffin ambushes me when I walk down the hallway.

XOXO Poppy


Dear Mommy,

Poppy is ok, but Puffin is terrible. This morning he chased me off your bed. Again. Like he does every morning when he gets hungry and irritable.

Love, Mia


MEMO TO: Mia, Puffin and Poppy

FROM: Carolyn

This is insane. Other people have animals who manage to get along. Even sleep together. Why can’t the three of you find a way to get along? Your life is cushy – you have no need to stake out so many boundaries.


Dear Mommy,

I have a solution.

Love, Mia


Dear Mia,

You do? Okay, I want to hear it.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Mommy,

It’s very simple. We should remove the problem cat.

Love, Mia


Dear Mia,

Seriously Mia? That’s your solution? Why can’t everyone sit down, accept that there will be differences, and work it out? Why do we have to have all this strife?

Love, Carolyn


Dear Mommy,

It would be easier just to get rid of Puffin.

Love, Mia


Dear Mia,

No. Just no.




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