by carolynholm
Hey Mom,
We’re having a Valentine moment!
Dear Winston,
Yes you are! I love that you all get along so well. You three are so sweet!
Love, Carolyn
Dear Winston,
Well okay, Puffin tells you to get lost when you jump on the bed.
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
He wants you all to himself!!!
Dear Winston,
He’s an old guy, and his health isn’t very good, so sometimes I give him a pass on grouchiness. You still get to be on the bed, just not on my lap.
Love, Carolyn
And Poppy isn’t always sweet. She likes to bark. That startles me and I run down the hall.
Dear Winston,
And she runs down the hall chasing you. I can tell you both enjoy that wild game. You are great friends! I took a picture of the two of you together that is a perfect picture for Valentines Day.
Love, Carolyn
Valentines Day is about dogs and cats together?
Dear Winston,
It could be. You two are a very sweet pair.
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
Sometimes she barks at me when I walk past her food.
Dear Winston,
There is that side to her. That’s her wolfish side.
Love, Carolyn
She’s a wolf????!!!!!
Dear Winston,
She seems to think so when she scrambles up to the gate in a frenzy of barking, when one of her mortal enemies goes by. That’s her wolfish side.
Love, Carolyn
That sounds alarming!!!!!
Dear Winston,
And I wouldn’t want to be a small mammal in her clutches. She has caught a few of those.
Love, Carolyn
Small mammals? I’m a small mammal! What did she do with them?
Dear Winston,
I saved the squirrel, but she killed one of the meadow mice. And once she caught a rat, but she was quite young then, and didn’t know what to do with him. Our other dog, Molly, stepped in and took over the kill.
Love, Carolyn
Poppy killed one of our garden mice???!!! Would she do that to me?????
Dear Winston,
No no no! You are a Pack Member. That means everything. And on top of that, she knows you are smitten with her.
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
I like to walk with her, shoulder to shoulder.
Dear Winston
She seems to like that too. It’s lovely to see you two promenading around the house side-by-side.
Love, Carolyn
But when I snuggle up to sleep with her, she leaves her bed.
Dear Winston,
She’s not completely on board with that kind of intimate relationship. I think she thinks of herself as a sort of big sister. A mentor. But she loves you in her way.
Love, Carolyn
Poppy is my Valentine!!!!
Dear Winston,
I think in her heart she secretly appreciates that.
Love, Carolyn

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