
by carolynholm

Cher Madame,
The youngster has been whacking me. He whacks me and runs.
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
You two have been sparring a bit, haven’t you! But you should not be surprised, sweetie. You’ve been whacking him, just as you did Mia before him, whenever you’re hungry and irritable.
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
But Winston is the junior cat. He should defer to this petit cat.
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
He’s entitled to react, sweetie.
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
Peut-être. But Madame should stop saying that Winston is actually the bigger cat.
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
He is bigger. Longer legs, longer body. You just have the weight advantage of girth. A bit too much girth.
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
He thinks he is a puma. Madame has been allowing him to think that. By actually referring to him as our household puma.
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
He has the small head and long tail of a puma. And he walks just like a puma too. Long and slinky, head low, stalking about the house.
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
Bien sûr, the youngster is too cocky. Madame calls me snookie right in front of everyone, and the Winston snickers.
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
He’s probably just jealous that you are so good at cuddling.
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
He laughs at me. C’est wrong. He needs to be reminded that I am the Senior Cat. And that I weigh more than he does. I have more of the substance.
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
Well, maybe you should just stop calling yourself a petit cat.
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
Toujours le sarcasm.
Regards, M. Le Poufin

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