
by carolynholm

Dear Puffin,
You gave me a scare last night!
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
The last time this petit cat gave Madame a scare, a hose was turned on him.
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
I’ve apologized for that, sweetie. No, this was different. I woke up in the night, and found you were hogging the blanket, curled up on top of it, sound asleep. So I sat up and nudged you. Nothing. You didn’t move. You didn’t even react. I whispered “Puffin!” Still nothing! I said aloud “Oh my god, Puffin!!!” Still nothing!
Love Carolyn

Cher Madame,
Mon dieu, what does Madame require at 3:00 in the morning?
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
I thought you had died! I was so upset!
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
Such concern is gratifying, but this pauvre petit cat was just trying to sleep.
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
I have to say you seemed to be out cold. But I may have over-reacted. Three in the morning is not a good time for mental clarity.
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
It would seem a petit cat should have a decent night’s sleep without an emotional interruption.
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
You rascal, you interrupt our sleep all the time. Every morning, the sun isn’t even awake, and you’re already nudging and staring face to face with me, saying “Madame, breakfast?????” And then you go to Monsieur and stare in his face, and shout “Monsieur, breakfast?????”  Back and forth.
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
Sans doubt, that is indeed time for the breakfast.
Regards, M. Le Poufin 

Dear Puffin,
But I’ve learned how to stop it. I just shush you with a “Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” 
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
C’est very clear, Madame.
Regards, M. Le Poufin

Dear Puffin,
Shushing is a human version of a cat’s hiss. And we all know what THAT translates to. Feline for “F—- off!” And it works every time.
Love, Carolyn

Cher Madame,
Madame is surprisingly fluent in Feline.
Regards, M. Le Poufin

A note to our readers…

Puffin, Poppy, and Winston are looking forward to sharing their weekly correspondence with you! Each week one of them is featured here, and yes, you can get the week’s post conveniently in your email every Friday by subscribing in the subscriber box at the top of this page. (If you are reading this in an email, go to to subscribe.) If you have already subscribed, multiple paws are raised to salute you!