by carolynholm
Dear Mommy,
I love it when it’s all quiet and then something in my head screams “SCRAMBLE!!!” and I grab hold of something and wrestle with it!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
I love to watch you wrestle!
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
And race down the hall!!!!!
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
Also entertaining to watch.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
And chase Puffin!!!!!
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
I love your enthusiasm.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
And run past Poppy so she’ll chase me!!!!
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
You are quite excited today.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mommy,
And whack Puffin!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Mia
Dear Mia,
Okay sweetie, all these exclamation points are becoming exhausting.
Love, Carolyn
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