by carolynholm

Dear Puffin,
Monsieur tells me he found you in a compromised situation.
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
This petit cat never does the compromise.
Regards, M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
He walked in the door and found you on the dining table. You know perfectly well the table is off limits. He says you looked totally ripped.
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
What exactly is meant by this word ripped?
Regards, M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
Stoned. Zonked out. Under the influence. Instead of jumping off the table knowing you’re in big trouble, you sat there in a loaf position, staring at Monsieur, looking totally ripped.
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
Monsieur assumes a lot.
Regards, M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
And the new catnip toy that I had left on the table? Monsieur found it on the floor. Soaking wet with saliva.
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
The loaf position is a normal cat position.
Regards, M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
Somehow the loaf position made the situation funnier. Because it is normally a relaxed but watchful position. When you should have been diving off the table, Monsieur says you were sort of frozen there, staring at him. Like you were trying to look really normal. Like you were saying “nothing to see here…”
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
Monsieur yelled very loudly. And then he laughed. He was très rude. This pauvre petit cat did not know of what to do.
Regards, M. Le Poufin
Dear Puffin,
You probably did what you could, under the circumstances. You were, after all, busted. And stoned.
Love, Carolyn
Cher Madame,
Toujours le sarcasm.
Regards, M. Le Poufin
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M. Le Poufin, humans doo tend to complain when they find us in places they think we do not belong.
Silly humans! Don’t they know EVERYTHING belongs to the cat?!!!!
Purrs, Julie
Well, Cousin Pouffin, you can always use the argument that the dealer was entirely responsible for the consequences, non?
Tama and Genji