TP Redux

by carolynholm

Dear Mia,
Please don’t play with the toilet paper! It has become a precious commodity.
Love. Carolyn

Dear Mom,
Of course it is precious! Toilet paper is SO MUCH FUN!!!!!
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
It may be, but that’s not the reason it is precious. It’s because people have gone batshit crazy hoarding the stuff. The grocery shelves are bare. Which makes no sense. People are nuts.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
Puffin says there will be food shortages.
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
You all need to stop rumor-mongering. There are NO food shortages. I was kidding Puffin when I suggested that, and he took me completely seriously. I forget how literal he is. I’m really sorry I told him that.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
Puffin is a worrier.
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
He is indeed. He’s like our old Molly. You know what she would be saying right now.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
Molly said that a lot. 
Love Mia

Dear Mia,
I’m glad you have a more positive spin on life than she had.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
I may not understand what is going on, but I love that you are home all the time!
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
That’s my girl. That’s positive.
Love, Carolyn

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