Poop Walk

by carolynholm

Dear Poppy,
Are you ready for our walk?
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
I KNEW it!!!!! I saw you change your shoes!!!!! And I’m ready. Where are we going? Up the street or down the street?
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
Maybe down. Either way is a lovely walk around the neighborhood. 
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
Can we go to Inspiration Point? Sometimes we see a coyote there!!!!! 
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy, 
You have shown remarkable restraint on those occasions. 
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
They aren’t street fighters like Raccoons, but they aren’t anyone I want to mix it up with either.
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
You are very wise. But today we’ll take a leisurely walk around the neighborhood. To make up for yesterday’s Poop Walk. 
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
Poop Walk?????? 
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
Everyone I know who has a dog knows what a Poop Walk is. It’s when you’re in a hurry, so the dog walk has to be quick. With just that one objective.. The moment you poop, we rush home again. Yesterday’s Poop Walk was because I needed to get to my dentist appointment.
Love, Carolyn 

Dear Mom,
That’s why you kept saying “How’s this spot? Ok girl, how about here? Soooo let’s try here, ok?”  
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
You are absolutely right. Who knew I’d be spending my time trying to coax poop out of a dog. 
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
Puffin says you are obsessed with Poop.
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
He said THAT?
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
He did.
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy
This from the cat who acted mysteriously sick, and completely stopped eating, so that we took him to the vet where we spent a fortune on X-rays and blood work. To find out that his stomach and intestines were totally packed with food. And then we came home and he produced the world’s biggest poop. Ever.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
But first he started farting squeaky farts. Brrrrpt. Brrrrpt. You and Dad thought that was hilarious. You laughed and laughed while Puffin sat there farting, trying to look dignified.
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
Well, he deserved the laughter. It had been a stressful day and that certainly lightened things up. Later we found out what caused all the trouble. He had snuck into the kibble cupboard, tore open a bag, and devoured at least a quart of dog kibble.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
And then made the biggest, most expensive poop ever. Yay Puffin!!!!
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
Yes, what an event! And it turned out that’s all he needed. And he says I’m obsessed with poop.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
Actually after all this poop talk, a Poop Walk right now sounds like a good idea.
XOXO Poppy


A note to our readers…

Poppy, Winston, and Puffin are looking forward to sharing their weekly correspondence with you! Each week one of them is featured here, all based upon actual conversations. And yes, you can get the week’s post conveniently in your email every Friday by subscribing in the subscriber box at the top of this page. (If you are reading this in an email, go to blog.carolynholm.com to subscribe.) If you have already subscribed, multiple paws are raised to salute you!