
by carolynholm

Dear Winston,
The sofa pillows were apparently having a good time last night.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom!
They were???? That’s so cool! How do you know?

Dear Winston,
The cushions were all over the floor.
Love, Carolyn

They were having fun???? I didn’t know they even liked it!!!!!

Dear Winston,
I think you were the one having fun.
Love, Carolyn

I was! It was a blast. I love the Pillow Game!!!! And I love when you play it with me!!!!!

Dear Winston,
That feather wand really sets you off. I think it’s interesting that you don’t play with the feathers unless you are hiding under a cushion.
Love, Carolyn

That’s the game! Hiding under a pillow and batting at the feather toy!

Dear Winston,
Or even better, hiding under a stack of several pillows and batting away at that feather toy. 
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
And THEN, flying out so that the pillows go all over crazy. Zoomie time!!! Woo-hoo!!!!!

Dear Winston,
You don’t need the feather toy for that part of the game. All you need are the sofa cushions.
Love, Carolyn

Pillows go flying when I have zoomies on the sofa!!!!

Dear Winston,
You do that during the night sometimes, when everyone is asleep. Like last night.
Love, Carolyn

I don’t know how you even know that! You were asleep!!! 

Dear Winston,
I’d love to tell you that I have special powers to know what’s going on even when I’m asleep.
Love, Carolyn

You use the eyes you have in the back of your head!!!!!

Dear Winston,
That’s right! And the fact that the cushions were all over the floor this morning.
Love, Carolyn


A note to our readers…

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