Pack Politics
by carolynholm

Dear Mom,
I love it in the evening when we all hang out in the living room after dinner.
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
It’s very cozy, isn’t it?
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
We are all together. You and Dad reading, and the three of us with you.
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
That’s when we have a quorum.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
A quorum? Am I supposed to know what quorum is?
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
Don’t worry about it. It just means the pack is all here. And it’s nice to have some quiet time without Pack Politics.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
Sometimes the cats cause trouble, though. Like sleeping in the bed under the coffee table. That’s my bed.
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
I think Puffin does it because he knows it unsettles you.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
Winston does it too.
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
He would love to share the bed with you. But you hop out as soon as he gets in.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
I don’t share my bed.
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
But it’s plenty big! It would be a nice snuggle!
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
I don’t share my bed.
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
Okay. At least you all get along. With shifting alliances of course. But that’s politics.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
Shifting alliances?
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
Sometimes you and Winston are hanging together, and Puffin is off somewhere with his back to everyone. Sometimes the cats are playing together and you are the odd one out. Sometimes each of you is in your own corner, napping. And then there is the jockeying in the kitchen at mealtime: Who will be fed first? Politics. It’s all politics.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
Sometimes Puffin hisses at me.
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
Don’t pay any attention to him when he does that. Just go play with Winston. Play Bitey-Whacky. You both love that game.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
And the Door Crack Game! Where Winston is behind the door and bats at me through the crack! And the Sofa Game, where Winston is on top of the sofa and bats at my head! And the Race Through the Living Room game, when Winston gallops around the house and I try to catch up!
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
Those are all good games. But you don’t play with Puffin. Maybe one day you will.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
We sniff each other. He even does a friendly head-butt now and then. But I don’t know if I want to play with him. He’s rough. When you go to bed, the cats play and it gets wild.
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
I’ve heard those night games. Body slams and thundering up and down the stairs. And the occasional scream when Puffin scores a claw hit. You are probably wise to stay away from that stuff.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
I bark every time the cats get near my food. That’s good enough for now.
XOXO Poppy
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I love all these wonderful blogs–especially those of Winston, the teenager of the group. He is always so entertaining!