by carolynholm

Dear Alpha Mom,
It’s a lot of work to keep us all safe. I have to be alert at all times!
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
Yes, well I’m glad you brought that up. We really need to talk about the alert level.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Alpha Mom,
Did I miss something??????? I try to bark at everything!!!!!
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
Yes you do. That’s the problem.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Alpha Mom,
There’s a problem?
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
There’s been a LOT of barking lately. Especially on warm spring days when the windows are open.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Alpha Mom,
I love when the windows are open!!!!!!!
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
We all do, but it makes you jumpy.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Alpha Mom,
I can hear everything in the neighborhood!!!!! It’s wonderful.
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
No, actually it’s not. Not when you can hear a kid on a bicycle a block away. Honey, you don’t need to notify us about that.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Alpha Mom,
But it’s nearby!!!
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
No it’s not nearby. It’s a block away. You shouldn’t be barking at things going on a block away. That’s just WAY too many notifications.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Alpha Mom,
What about people passing on the sidewalk in front of the house?
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
Let them go by, sweetie. You don’t have to challenge people who walk by. For one thing, there are a LOT of walkers in our neighborhood. And many of them are our neighbors. It’s not very polite to holler at them every time they walk by our house.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Alpha Mom,
I’m not hollering! I’m celebrating that people are walking by!!!! I’m letting YOU know!!!!! I’m letting them know!!!!! So that they know I know and that I’m letting you know!!!!!
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
It’s even worse when they have a dog with them. Then you really go crazy.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Alpha Mom,
That’s as it should be. I don’t know why you don’t understand how this works.
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
And kids on skateboards. You go nuts.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Alpha Mom,
But listen to them! That’s such a provocative sound!!!!!!!
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
Okay, I’ll give you that. We’ll make an exception for the skateboards. But when a couple of ladies go by with their pooches on a walk, I would appreciate it if you would calmly and quietly let them pass. I really don’t need a notification.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Alpha Mom,
What about the mail guy?
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
Okay, another exception. Skateboarders and the mail carrier.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Alpha Mom,
Skateboarders, the mail guy and people with dogs who aren’t nice to me!!!!!
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
No, honey. That’s enough. Go chew on your rawhide and see if you can relax. And I think I’ll close the windows for a bit.
Love, Carolyn
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