
by carolynholm

Hey Mom,
Puffin says I’m disfigured. With a spot.

Dear Winston,
You’re not disfigured, sweetie. But the spot does make you unique. There isn’t another Meezer with a mark like that.
Love, Carolyn

I can’t see it, so I’m pretty sure there is no spot. 

Dear Winston,
You can’t see it because it’s behind you, on your shoulder. Right where we applied the new flea medicine last month. And the next day a nasty dime-sized irritated bald spot appeared! Quite alarming. It healed nicely but the hair has grown back a different color. The spot is dark brown to match your points – your ears and mask and tail – instead of the original creamy color of your shoulders. Very strange.
Love, Carolyn

Puffin said you call it the Mark of the Devil.

Dear Winston,
We have been calling it that. You can be quite devilish.
Love, Carolyn

You call me a devil when I’m hungry.

Dear Winston,
That’s when you are particularly devilish. There’s a word for it. Hangry. A combination of hungry and angry. You start climbing up my pant legs. And clawing at my hands. Then I know you need to be fed. Immediately. I have some other family members who get hangry, so I know all about it.
Love, Carolyn

Food is important.

Dear Winston,
It is indeed. But you seem to have a special knack for getting in trouble over food. You steal Poppy’s kibble. She gets pretty upset about that. You steal my toast. You move so fast that I blink and the toast is gone and there you are, making off with it. And you stick your head into Puffin’s dish while he’s eating. That’s just rude. You’re lucky we all love you and put up with your antics.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
But you also say that I’m your sweetie.

Dear Winston,
Of course you are. You aren’t always a devil. I love that you ride around on my shoulder, purring in my ear. You snuggle when you are sleepy. You wait by the front door when I go out for a walk. And you cry out for me when you don’t know where I am. You have a very distinctive loud “Mommy!!!” cry.
Love, Carolyn

Hey Mom,
Sometimes I lose track of you. I have to call you to find out where you are.

Dear Winston,
I love that it matters where I am.
Love, Carolyn

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