by carolynholm

Dear Mom,
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
The kitten? I’m so glad you are excited! But we don’t want to overwhelm the baby, do we?
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
I’m not going to overwhelm him! I just want to play with him!!!!!!! And snuggle him!!!!! And chase him!!!!
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
Ok, let’s dial that down a bit, honey. He’s just a baby. He’s only 12 weeks old. He’s in a brand-new house. And he’s away from the kittens and cats and dogs that he’s used to. It’s a lot to deal with.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
He’s dealing with it! He likes it here! He said so!
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
Well I’m glad to hear that. He seems to be adjusting really well. He’s a very confident baby.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
I asked him if he has written to you yet. He didn’t know what I was talking about.
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
They probably didn’t do that in his foster care. His foster mom is raising a lot of kittens, and I can’t imagine how she would manage if they all started corresponding with her. She’s got her hands full as it is. She’s an angel.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
The kitten is puzzled by Puffin. He says he can’t understand half of what Puffin says. I tried to explain that Puffin thinks he’s French. Even though he’s from Los Angeles. It doesn’t make a lot of sense, so now the kitten is even more confused about Puffin.
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
Puffin’s delusions are a bit hard to explain. Thank you for trying. Puffin has been a little stand-offish, but I think he’s starting to get used to the idea of a new family member. We have to remember, he doesn’t do well with change.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
Puffin says he doesn’t understand why we needed a kitten. And he says he can’t be friends without a formal introduction. Which is impossible until the kitten has a name.
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
Puffin can be so darn formal. But we’ll have a name soon. So maybe that will get the ball rolling between them.
Love, Carolyn
Dear Mom,
Speaking of rolling balls, the kitten has rolled all the toy balls under the dresser in the bedroom, so now I can’t reach them.
XOXO Poppy
Dear Poppy,
That’s probably just as well. You’ve destroyed three of them already.
Love, Carolyn
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Cher Madame – Oh we can’t wait to read Puffin’s take on the newby ! And to see pictures ! We are glad that Poppy is happy – Purrs to all of you !
Welcome to the family, little chaton! We’re excited to hear your name!
Tama and Genji, your French cousins