In Charge

by carolynholm

Dear Mommy,
When you said “My cat would make a better President”, which of us did you mean?
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
Oh, of course I meant you. Puffin would be a terrible president. He’s a bit of a bully.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
So you think I’d be a good President?
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
Oh dear, well, that was just an expression. One of those things one says without meaning anything.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
But sometimes when you are going out, you put me in charge!
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
Oh that. Yes I do. And you do a very good job of it, too.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
And sometimes you say, “While we’re out, Poppy, you’re in charge.”
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
True, sometimes it’s Poppy.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
And once in a while you put Puffin in charge.
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
Not very often, though. I never put Puffin in charge if I’m going to be out for more than an hour or two.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mommy,
Puffin is a jerk.
Love, Mia

Dear Mia,
Yes, but he’s our jerk, isn’t he? We love him anyway.
Love, Carolyn

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