
by carolynholm

Dear Poppy,
You were so well behaved on our car trip to Los Angeles!
Love, Carolyn

Dear Alpha Mom,
It was terrible. Such a long drive! I was relieved when we finally arrived..
XOXO Poppy 

Dear Poppy,
It is a long drive. That’s why I put you in your anxiety jacket, and I gave you a CBD chew. And that’s why we stopped at every rest stop to take a little walk.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Alpha Mom,
It was still terrible. But I loved visiting your daughter and her dog Mika!!!!!!! Although Mika was a bit rude about the dinner dishes.
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
She’s not used to sharing a kitchen with another dog at dinner time. But she was glad to have you visit. You are her partner in crime.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Alpha Mom,
Do you know what was the very best part of the visit?
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
I think I can guess. Did it involve coyotes?
Love, Carolyn

Dear Alpha Mom,
YES!!!!!!! THE COYOTES!!!! 
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
I was surprised how openly they hang out by the alley behind the house. Right in the middle of Los Angeles. Bad news for the rat population, though. But it was so cool to listen to them howl in response to fire engine sirens!
Love, Carolyn

Dear Alpha Mom,
And that wasn’t even the BEST PART!!!!!!!!!
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
I think I know where we’re going with this.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Alpha Mom,
We ALL started howling!!! All of us! TOGETHER!!!
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
That was indeed an extraordinary shared experience. One siren, three humans, two dogs, and a pack of coyotes. A lot of yip-yip-yipping.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Alpha Mom,
We couldn’t believe you humans joined in the howling!
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
I can just imagine what the neighbors thought, but it certainly was exhilarating. I wonder what the coyotes thought.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Alpha Mom,
Their dialect is a little different than ours, but I think I got the gist of it. They said it was exciting to have a human component in the song fest. And they thought you are probably crazy.
XOXO Poppy

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