by carolynholm

Dear Winston,
How did you get hold of that police tape? Did you get into the trash again?
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
It was sticking out!
Dear Winston,
I guess that makes it fair game then. Seems appropriate that it ended up in your paws. Of all of us, you are the most likely to result in a police visit. You have certainly wreaked your share of havoc.
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
Did the police actually come here and cordon off our house with police tape? Was someone in our pack in trouble? That would be so exciting!!!!!!!
Dear Winston,
No, sorry, it was just used to cordon off a sick tree that was leaning over the sidewalk, threatening to fall. The nice policeman didn’t have plain caution tape, but he had police tape.
Love, Carolyn
Hey Mom,
I want to see a tree fall!
Dear Winston,
Actually, you have. You knocked over a potted palm once. It made a spectacular mess, with dirt everywhere. And while racing wildly through the house, hurling yourself from one thing to another, you brought the cat tree down. Not once, but twice. It’s not a real tree, but it’s large, and we’ll count it. And that’s just the trees. There was a tipped lamp. It’s a good thing I was there to catch it as it flew off the table. And there has been a fair amount of shredding, but fortunately that’s mostly under the sofa where it doesn’t show. Pretty much every day you knock all the cushions off the sofa, and flip over the hall rug. It all adds up to some real havoc.
Love, Carolyn
I’ve accomplished a lot!!!!!!!
Dear Winston,
You’ve done your species proud. It’s not for nothing the word catastrophe has “cat” in it.
Love, Carolyn
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Clever comment about the “cat” in “catastrophe”!