
by carolynholm

Dear Mom,
The cone is coming OFF???????? 
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
I think so. I checked you, and you look okay. I have a call in to the vet to get the go-ahead to remove it.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
It has been driving me crazy.
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
It’s been driving me crazy too. Going for a walk has not been the same.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
Is that why our walks have been so short?
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
Yes! You walk so slowly with that thing on. I hate to walk slowly. And you stop a lot.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
have to stop sometimes!
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
I know you do. But with this thing on, you stop and simply stare.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
When there is a good smell I need to stop.
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
I understand. But for some reason, with that stupid cone on, the smell process seems to take a lot longer. You stand with the cone pointed at your smell. And stand. And stand. And I finally get impatient. You know, you have one job. One job. And that’s to take me for a walk every day. But with this cone, you are at a dead stop so much of the time that the walks haven’t been any fun at all.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
Sometimes I stop because burrs have gotten between my toes. With this thing on my head I can’t pull them out!
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
Fair enough, sweetie. I’m sorry for venting, I’m a bad mom to complain. I’m glad to pull the burrs out for you. I just wish it didn’t take so much time. Because I don’t know which foot, each time I have to carefully check all four of them. I miss the days when you sat right down, chewed the burr out from between your toes, spit it out, and we were on our way.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
You miss those days? How do you think I feel?
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
I know, sweetie! But good news! That wretched cone can come off now. I got the call from the vet. We’ll take that cursed thing off and celebrate with a nice long walk.
Love, Carolyn

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