End of the World

by carolynholm

End of the World

Dear Alpha Mommy,

You went away again. It was like the end of the world.




Dear Poppy,

You were well taken care of, sweetie.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

She wasn’t you. She doesn’t have your voice. She doesn’t have your smell. She tries to be nice, but she isn’t you.




Dear Poppy,

She is nice. I wish you wouldn’t be so difficult. She is extremely kind and loving with all of you. You need to accept her. This is something that is going to happen from time to time.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

But I didn’t know if you were going to come back.




Dear Poppy,

I always come back. I wouldn’t abandon you.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

Molly said you probably wouldn’t come back.




Dear Poppy,

Oh dear, I’m sorry. Don’t listen to Molly. She can be very negative.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

She said you were probably eaten by predators.




Dear Poppy,

Oh, that again. I wish she wouldn’t say that. She got that from the cats. They told her that once, and she’s never forgotten it. She really buys into gloom and doom. Just ignore her.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

It’s hard to ignore her when we have all that time together just waiting for you to come home. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. That’s all we do. And Molly is so wise.




Dear Poppy,

Molly is wise but she doesn’t know everything. And sad to say, she’s getting a bit senile.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

Even the cats were upset that you were gone. Mia told Puffin that you left because he isn’t very nice to you.




Dear Poppy,

That wasn’t very nice of Mia. Puffin can be snarky, but that’s just how he is. I know he loves me. You all need to calm down. I always come back. I won’t ever let predators eat me.

Love, Carolyn


Dear Alpha Mommy,

Still, it feels like the end of the world when you go away.





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