Cereal Killer!

by carolynholm

Dear Mom,
I’m a cereal killer!!!!!
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
You’re a what?
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
A cereal killer!!!!!
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
Okay, I think you mean a serial killer. First of all, I don’t think you know what that means. And, second, you are not really a killer.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
I might be! I FINALLY caught a squirrel!!!!!
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
We don’t know that you killed that poor guy.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
I would have if you hadn’t pulled me off. I was shaking him to break his neck. Just like Molly taught me. But you pulled my tail!!!
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
Sorry. Your tail was the closest thing I could grab. You didn’t kill him, sweetie, but he was injured. He tried to climb up the tree and his hind legs were not working properly. 
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
What did you do with him? I couldn’t see because you stuck me in the house. But you came back with a bloody hand!
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
That was my blood, sweetie, not his. He looked like he was in shock, so I was going to move him to a safer spot to recover, and he bit me, right through my leather garden gloves! What a set of choppers on that guy! 
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
He shouldn’t have done that! No one is allowed to bite you!
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
I know, right? I’m The Goddess. But apparently no one told him that. 
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
It would serve him right if he died.
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
It certainly would not. I’d have bit me too, under the circumstances. It was the appropriate thing for any creature to do. You’d bite too if you had just been attacked, and an attempt made on your life.
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
The neighbor said he might have rabies!!!
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
Some critters do, but not squirrels. And I’m caught up on my tetanus shots. So, no worries there. Just a painful reminder that squirrels are equipped to chew through wood.
Love, Carolyn 

Dear Mom,
If he died out there, we would smell him.
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
Good point. Fortunately, we don’t smell anything yet. At any rate, he certainly disappeared. Hopefully he is somewhere recovering. Probably in the creek area next door. So, I’m keeping an eye out for a squirrel on crutches. 
Love, Carolyn

Dear Mom,
I killed him, I just know it. I’m an Apex Predator, like wolves and grizzly bears!!!!!
XOXO Poppy

Dear Poppy,
Yeah, when I look at you, the first thing I think of is a wolf.
Love, Carolyn

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